When the winds slowly begin to shift and the sun no longer hits the "off"-button around 9 at night, the fleece jackets come out, arm warmers are slipped on, and ankle-hitting jeans will make their comebacks. Bare legs will become a rarity and ear muffs will find ways to make you look like you're a cutesy Disney character. All the while, the stock up for winter will commence.
Style Tip #1:
Prices for must-have items are low and attractive. Pick up the best of the best, whether it be dark-colored school girl T-straps or semi-loose fitted sweater jeggings, it's the time to crack open the piggy bank and spare a few coins so when fall/winter primetime rolls around the willowing autumn-leaved trees, you'll be the first to shine. It'll be so perfect, you'll be the trend-setting stylista that every other die-hard fashion fiend will mimic. Sure enough...